work from Dawno nie było wojny (There was no war from a long time) series joins the collection of The Museum of The History of Poland
Natalia Bażowska ,Martyna Czech, Wiktor Dyndo, Magda Hueckel, Bartosz Kokosiński, Krzysztof Maniak
Paweł Matyszewski, Jana Shostak, Małgorzata Wielek
Opening and panel discussion with artists
11.01.2024 / 6pm
The Centre for Creative Activity in Ustka
11.01 – 29.03. 2024
Witch’ Tower in Słupsk
Small Gallery in Słupsk
The Centre for Creative Activity in Ustka
Curator / Roman Lewandowski
Wiktor Dyndo - Nina Haab
Galeria Szydłowski
ul. Nowolipie 13/15 , 00-150 Warsaw
30.9 - 19.11.21
Revolving about the concept of wait and its role in public and private narratives, the two artists of the exhibition Post-History investigate dimensions of time and storytelling.
Swiss artist Nina Haab explores the mechanisms of temporal suspension, the construction of memories and the act of remembering. The installation Peppy Wrecks (2021) celebrates embracing the unknown and the ability of existing in contradictions as acts of resilience while overcoming adversities. Two parts of one unique piece of furniture appear to us standing on sand, carrying on their surfaces mysterious drawings and the sentence: “You wouldn’t have guessed”. Along with Peppy Wrecks, Haab’s new series Locus Amoenus (2020) deals with the topos of an idyllic place capable to heal the body and the mind, while her drawings from Vue sur Jersey (2018-2020), remind us of the impossibility to have the totality of the picture where private and global narratives intertwine.
Questions connected to notions of reality and their representations are also related to Wiktor Dyndo’s practice. The Warsaw-based painter works with a realist style to increase the un-easiness of a world that, through an overwhelming and ubiquitous media-apparatus, has become “too real, too frightening”: too close and too ungraspable. His series Breaking News (2019-2020) presents the homonymous’ caption superposed on still lives, seashores, or baroque interiors. This heightens the effect of waiting for an event, for something to “happen”, to manifest, while using for these estheticized images the typical square format of the Instagram feed. Questioning the role of information and meaning in contemporary societies, Dyndo produces visual breaks that are both static and frantic, reflecting on notions of anxiety and wait.